Age reversal medicine is designed to stop or even turn back the clock on a cellular level. When appropriate, Dr. Alex will institute age reversal therapies as part of your medical engineering plan.
Age Reversal Medicine
As you head into your 40s and 50s, age-related issues become more apparent. You may notice your joints are frequently stiff or painful, you’re prone to infections, and generally may not feel as vibrant and vital as you did when you were younger.
Age reversal medicine addresses the root cause of these issues. Dr. Paziotopoulos custom-designs your treatment plan, using cutting-edge treatment options to rejuvenate your health and achieve your goals.
What age reversal treatments are available?
To determine which age reversal treatment is best for you, Dr. Paziotopoulos performs a full workup of blood tests and other evaluations prior to recommending a specific therapy.
How does the Life Length telomere test work?
Life Length telomere testing technology analyzes your personal aging process using certain diagnostics and measurements.
Using the technology, Dr. Paziotopoulos receives a highly detailed look at your cellular health and your true biological age. He can process hundreds of cell samples, including stem cells, bone marrow, sperm, and tissue, to get a real-time picture of your overall health.
This information provides a wealth of data Dr. Paziotopoulos utilizes to create a preventive care plan using a variety of anti-aging and age reversal medicines.
What is NAD + intravenous drips?
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme that exists in nearly every cell of your body, responsible for the functionality of your metabolism. Without NAD, your body can’t process fats, amino acids, or carbohydrates.
Dr. Paziotopoulos combines NAD with vitamin supplements and delivers them directly into your bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) drip. You receive high doses that provide immediate, effective results. After treatment, your levels of NAD increase significantly, providing you with more energy.
Several sessions may be necessary to achieve your desired results. Dr. Paziotopoulos can determine how many treatments you need based on your medical history and expected outcomes.
What is cancer screenings?
Screenings are noninvasive blood tests that can detect cancer in its earliest stages. This test provides Dr. Paziotopoulos the opportunity to check for certain changes in your DNA that indicate cancer cells are growing.
Dr. Paziotopoulos can use the IVYGene® screening to detect four types of cancer, including cancer of the:
If the screening result is positive for cancer growth, Dr. Paziotopoulos can coordinate additional treatment to protect your health.
Epigenetic Age Determination
Your age in years lived and your biological age may not be the same. Epigenetics affect how your body ages, and an aging clock can be used to help identify the actual biological age of your body. The best-studied epigenetic modification is DNA methylation.
Steve Horvath has been a leader in the field of epigenetic clocks. His latest iteration, DNAm GrimAge, uses measurements of plasma proteins to help calculate your true biological age. When the calculation is repeated annually, we can identify how quickly or slowly your body is aging, and see how anti-aging therapies are working to slow your rate of aging.
What is Senolytic Therapy?
As you age, damaged cells or ones that have reached the end of their life cycle normally self-destruct (apoptosis.) Cells which fail to self-eliminate are known as senescent, and contribute to inflammation, organ function impediment, degenerative disease, and a shortened lifespan. Senolytic compounds can help eliminate senescent cells, creating a state of systemic age reversal and improving the body’s metabolic state.
What is mTor Inhibition?
mTOR is an intercellular protein responsible for regulating cellular growth. When activated excessively, it has been implicated in chronic diseases such as cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. By lowering mTOR activity, chronic disease can be delayed, immune functions boosted, and lifespans extended. We use rapamycin to help inhibit mTOR activity and reduce risk of chronic illness and diseases associated with aging.
Cosmetic Services
While age reversal protocols work on halting and reversing age progression internally, you can also work on the aesthetic side of aging. We offer in-office rejuvenation including microneedling for younger, smoother facial skin, and hair restoration protocols to give you back your self-confidence.